Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Sabine Pass LNG Begins Train 2 Commissioning

FERC has issued an order authorizing Sabine Pass LNG to introduce feed gas, refrigerants and process fluids in certain areas related to the commissioning of Train 2 LNG production at Sabine Pass LNG’s Cameron Parish, La., export facility....

Oregon LNG Project Terminated

On Friday, Oregon LNG announced that it is “ceasing operations immediately” on its proposed LNG export terminal at Warrenton, Ore. due to Leucadia National Corporation’s decision to cease funding the project.  Read more in The Daily Astorian article....

FERC Approves Magnolia LNG Export Terminal Application

FERC issued an order today granting Magnolia LNG, LLC’s application to construct and operate a liquefaction and LNG export terminal at Lake Charles, La. and Kinder Morgan Louisiana Pipeline LLC’s application to construct an interconnected pipeline.  In approving the applications, FERC rejected arguments by Allegheny Defense Project and Sierra Club that FERC should find that Magnolia...

Flint Hills Resources Authorized to Export LNG to FTA Nations

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has issued an order authorizing Flint Hills Resources to export approximately 3.62 Bcf/year (approximately 120,000 gallons/day) of LNG, over a 20-year term, from a liquefaction facility owned by Stabilis LNG Eagle Ford, LLC in George West, Texas. The exports would go to nations which have in place a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the United States. ...

Jordan Cove Energy Project Requests Rehearing of FERC’s Order Denying LNG Export Terminal Application

Jordan Cove Energy Project, L.P. and Pacific Connector Gas Pipeline, LP (together, Applicants) have filed a request for rehearing of FERC’s March 11, 2016 order which rejected, based on lack of market support, Applicants’ applications to construct and operate an LNG export terminal at Coos Bay, Ore., and an interconnected pipeline.  On rehearing, Applicants argue that FERC should: (1)...

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