Sabine Pass LNG Files Construction Status Report

Sabine Pass LNG filed a report with FERC covering construction activities through May 2015 at its LNG export terminal in Cameron Parish, La.  Stage 1 (liquefaction trains 1 and 2) engineering and procurement are 100% complete, and subcontract and direct hire construction work are 71.2% and 81.9% complete, respectively. Stage 1 overall project completion is 90.8% against the plan of 92.6%.  Stage 2 (liquefaction trains 3 and 4) engineering is 99.8% complete, procurement is 95.7% complete, and subcontract and direct hire construction work are 44.1% and 29.2% complete, respectively.  Overall project completion for Stage 2 is 67.7% against the plan of 70.1%.  No construction activities occurred for Stage 3 (liquefaction trains 5 and 6) during the reporting period.

Sabine Pass LNG reports that project progress supports the scheduled substantial completion dates for trains 1 and 2 of February 2016 and June 2016, respectively. The substantial completion dates for trains 3 and 4 are April 2017 and August 2017, respectively. The report can be found here.



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