Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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FERC Releases Environmental Review Schedule for Golden Pass LNG Export Terminal Project

FERC has released its schedule for its environmental review of the proposed Golden Pass LNG export terminal to be located at Golden Pass LNG’s existing import terminal on the Sabine-Neches Waterway in Jefferson County, Texas, and the interconnected pipeline.  Golden Pass LNG is a joint venture formed by affiliates of Qatar Petroleum (70%), ExxonMobil (17.6%) and ConocoPhillips...

Downeast LNG Signs Agreement for Terminal Construction

The Bangor Daily News reports that Downeast LNG has signed an agreement with CB&I to construct Downeast LNG’s proposed import/export terminal near Robbinston, Maine.  Downeast LNG’s project is currently in the pre-filing environmental review phase before FERC, and still needs to obtain an estimated 30 state and federal permits. Nevertheless, company officials expect construction to...

Freeport LNG Files to Increase Existing LNG Production Capacity Authorization

Freeport LNG Development has filed an application with FERC to amend its existing authorization to increase the total LNG production capacity of its Liquefaction Project under construction on Quintana Island, in Brazoria County, Texas, from the currently authorized 1.8 Bcf/day (657 Bcf/year) to 2.14 Bcf/day (782 Bcf/year). Freeport states that 2.14 Bcf/day is the maximum peak day...

FERC to Prepare EIS for Port Arthur LNG Project

FERC has issued a notice of its intent to prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS) for Sempra LNG affiliate Port Arthur LNG’s proposed liquefaction and export terminal project and interconnected pipeline near Port Arthur, Texas.  As proposed, the liquefaction facilities will consist of two liquefaction trains with a total production capacity of up to 1.38 Bcf/day of LNG.  FERC’s...

Sabine Pass LNG Files Construction Status Report

Sabine Pass LNG filed a report with FERC covering construction activities through May 2015 at its LNG export terminal in Cameron Parish, La.  Stage 1 (liquefaction trains 1 and 2) engineering and procurement are 100% complete, and subcontract and direct hire construction work are 71.2% and 81.9% complete, respectively. Stage 1 overall project completion is 90.8% against the plan of...

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