Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Dominion Requests Expedited Action from FERC to Affirm and Reissue Cove Point Expansion Authorizations

Yesterday Dominion Cove Point LNG, LP and Dominion Transmission, Inc. (collectively, Dominion) filed a Motion for Expedited Action to Affirm and Renew Authorizations with FERC for the Cove Point Expansion project. Specifically, Dominion requests that FERC issue an order by August 29, 2008, that: (1) fully affirms and reissues the Natural Gas Act (NGA) Section 7 certificates for the...

Quoddy Bay LNG Halts Quarterly Lease Payments to Passamaquoddy Tribe

According to Platts LNG Daily [subscription required], Quoddy Bay LNG has stopped paying quarterly lease payments to the Passamaquoddy Tribe, from which the company has leased land for its proposed LNG terminal. According to Quoddy Bay LNG President Donald Smith, the company has made voluntary payments to the tribe totaling nearly $800,000 since March...

FERC Chairman Comments on Gas Quality Issue

In light of a resurgence of discussions regarding natural gas quality issues in the New England market, FERC Chairman Joseph Kelliher told Platts LNG Daily that “[g]as quality arguably is an issue that’s not linked narrowly to LNG imports.” He went on to note that the composition of natural gas from newly producing basins is also affecting the quality of gas supplies....

CRD Committee Hears from LNG Opponents Regarding Proposed Texada Island LNG Terminal

Environment committee members of the Capital Regional District met this week with opponents of the LNG project proposed for Texada Island. The Victoria Times Colonist (British Columbia) also notes that project developer WestPac will be invited to meet with the committee as...

CLNG Responds to Analysis of Potential Safety Risks Associated with LNG

The Washington Times carries a response, authored by Bill Cooper, president of the Center for Liquefied Natural Gas, to a recent piece analyzing the potential safety risks associated with...

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