FERC Reiterates Rejection of WGL’s Claims Regarding Leaks

In an order issued yesterday by FERC in the Dominion Cove Point Pipeline rate case, the Commission refused to revisit the issue of whether LNG from the Cove Point LNG terminal has caused leaks in the Washington Gas Light distribution system. Explaining that the Commission already had decided the matter in its recent order approving the terminal’s expansion, FERC reiterated that “Cove Point delivers regasified LNG that meets the gas quality specifications of all interconnecting pipelines and that Washington Gas had not provided any basis to deny the authorizations requested for the LNG Expansion proposal.” Therefore, the Commission continued, it denies WGL’s request to set gas quality and interchangeability issues for hearing in the rate case since the Commission has already addressed them. The order is available in FERC’s e-Library in Docket No. RP06-417.

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