Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Fall River: Weaver’s Cove Will Need Supplemental EIS

One of the attorneys representing Fall River, Mass. asserts that, if FERC chooses to reopen the Weaver’s Cove proceeding, a supplemental DEIS and FEIS may be required. “If it [FERC] is not disposed to dismiss the application, it will have to commence a rather prolonged review process, including allowing additional public comment,” said Edward Berlin. His remarks come...

Maple LNG to Develop Goldboro LNG Terminal

The Canadian Press yesterday reported that Maple LNG, a Canadian affiliate of Russia’s Suntera and Dutch energy company 4Gas, has bought and agreed to develop Keltic Petrochemicals’ proposed Nova Scotia LNG terminal. Keltic will retain the neighboring petrochemical plant, and will obtain feedstock from the LNG terminal; the Goldboro terminal also will connect to Canadian...

Lobbying Efforts for AGL Pipeline from Elba Island Receive Criticism

Critics have expressed concerns about the level of lobbying devoted to ensuring passage of legislation designed to streamline regulatory review of AGL’s proposed pipeline from the Elba Island LNG terminal. The Atlanta-Journal Constitution  today reports that energy industry representatives paid for food and lodging, as well as trips to Savannah, Ga. and St. Simon’s Island....

Fisheries Service Weighs in on Open-Loop Vaporizers

Greenwire reports on NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service draft guidance written for NOAA staff reviewing LNG terminals. The document, titled “Recommended Best Practices,” addresses concerns that open-loop vaporizer systems proposed for certain offshore LNG terminals could harm fish populations. The Fisheries Service’s recommendations include siting...

Editorial: Natural Gas Prices Would Not Depend on New Pipeline

The Atlanta-Journal Constitution challenges an assertion made by Georgia House Speaker Mark Burkhalter that AGL’s proposed pipeline from Southern LNG’s Elba Island import terminal would help reduce the price of natural gas in Georgia by bringing more supply into the state. In an editorial published today, the paper says the price of natural gas in Georgia does not depend on...

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