Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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KeySpan May File Amended Application for LNG Terminal

The Block Island Times reports that KeySpan might submit another application to expand its LNG terminal in Providence after FERC commissioner Suedeen G. Kelly said on Jan. 19 “there is a need for more natural gas in New England.” David J. Manning, executive vice president at KeySpan, expressed confidence in a potential new application. “We are encouraged by the...

Civilian Files Lawsuit Contesting FERC’s Ruling on Weaver’s Cove

A private citizen has filed a federal lawsuit in Boston’s First Circuit Court of Appeals contesting FERC’s decision to deny appeals for rehearing in the Weaver’s Cove matter. “I’m doing this for the hundreds of other people that just didn’t have the opportunity to do this. I’m doing it for the Coalition of the Responsible Siting of LNG...

Broadwater Energy Submits FERC Application

The Day reports that Broadwater Energy has formally filed an application with FERC for its proposed LNG terminal in the Long Island Sound. “This is just another step in the process,” said John Hritcko Jr., senior vice president of Broadwater. “Area residents are entitled to more reliable and affordable energy supplies, and they want a fair and comprehensive regulatory...

School District Officials Say No Direct Funding by NorthernStar

The Daily Astorian reports that NorthernStar Natural Gas, the company behind the proposed Bradwood Landing LNG terminal, will not provide direct financial support to schools according to their advertisements. However, property owners in the district will pay less taxes. “We probably won’t get any money for operating,” said Judy Skirvin, Knappa School District’s...

Philadelphia Mayor Indicates Council Support for PGW Project Is Unlikely

Philadelphia Mayor Street says a contract between PGW and the developer of its “progressive and forward-thinking” LNG proposal is unlikely to receive support from the City Council. “I think there is a chance that it can happen,” Street said, but added “people are just so reluctant to change.” Friday’s Philadelphia Daily News reports that...

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