“Use of Low Global-Warming Potential, Low Ozone Depletion Potential, Low Combustibility Hydrofluoroolefin, Xenon Or Iodo Compound Refrigerants in Lng Processing” in Patent Application Approval Process

Inventors Paul Davies, James Lee Harris Jr., Emery Jay Thomas and Gregg Sapp filed a patent application on November 20, 2013 that was made available online on June 12, 2014 to patent the “Use of Low Global-Warming Potential, Low Ozone Depletion Potential, Low Combustibility Hydrofluoroolefin, Xenon Or Iodo Compound Refrigerants in Lng Processing.” The inventor’s summary of the patent application explains that this invention deals generally with methods to liquefy natural gas using “environmentally-friendly low combustibility refrigerants.”

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