Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Massachusetts Gov. Patrick Discusses Offshore LNG Terminals With Local Politicians

Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick yesterday discussed with Gloucester public officials the potential impact that two offshore LNG terminals that were approved by his predecessor may have on the fishing industry. The Gloucester Daily Times has the...

Local Residents Narrowly Divided By Bradwood Landing Project

A poll sponsored by The Daily Astorian reveals that local residents are narrowly divided by Northern Star Natural Gas’ proposed Bradwood Landing LNG terminal. According to the newspaper, 42% of respondents are in favor of the project, while 40% oppose...

Local Gas Company Opposes Export License for Alaskan Liquefaction Facility

Enstar Natural Gas says that its consumers’ energy needs must be addressed before the Department of Energy can approve ConocoPhillips and Marathon Oil’s request for a two-year extension of an export license for its Kenai liquefaction facility. In response, a ConocoPhillips official asserted that there is adequate natural gas to supply both local and Asian markets. Read more...

Editorial: Maryland Government Opposition Should Factor Into Review Process for Proposed Sparrows Point Terminal

The Baltimore Sun says that while a federal judge’s ruling last week reinforces federal jurisdiction over the siting of LNG terminals, FERC should consider the opposition of the Baltimore County Council and Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley to AES’ proposed Sparrows Point LNG import facility as it reviews the...

Positive Reaction to Proposed LNG Peaking Facility in Florida

PalmBeachPost.com reports that most residents attending an informational meeting regarding a proposed LNG peaking facility in Indiantown, Fla., were satisfied with Floridian Natural Gas Storage’s plan to construct an LNG storage tank in their...

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