Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Gazprom Plans LNG Shipments to the United States in 2006

A Gazprom official says that the Russian giant intends to send eight tankers of LNG to the U.S. East Coast and the Gulf of Mexico next year. Alexander Medvedev declined to reveal which companies would serve as its partner for the shipments. A report by the Russian news agency Interfax has the...

Pleasant Point LNG Terminal Details Revealed

Quoddy Bay, LLC yesterday elaborated on the particulars of the proposed LNG facility in Pleasant Point, and the required FERC assessment process and timeline at the Maine State Chamber of Commerce in Augusta, Maine. Details are in yesterday’s Magic City Morning Star. See similar article in the Bangor Daily News. [Archived articles require a...

Maryland State Agency Says Cove Point Expansion DEIS Is “Premature”

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources believes FERC’s draft impact environmental statement issued for the Cove Point expansion project is “premature.” The agency said the DEIS “fails to reflect” the USCG conclusions regarding marine safety on the Chesapeake Bay and the Maryland Department of the Environment’s issues with increased air...

Maine Forms LNG Group in Response to Quoddy Bay’s Prefiling Process at FERC

Quoddy Bay’s decision to start the FERC prefiling process for the proposed LNG terminal at Pleasant Point, Maine has spurred a group of members from various state agencies to respond to a demanding timetable of pre-filing procedures. “We are looking at all of the regulatory matters that have to be dealt with. One reason we are doing this is to bring all the agencies...

Local Challenges Pro-LNG Statements

A Lubec, Maine resident challenges The Bangor Daily News’ views on the LNG development targeted for the Passamaquoddy Bay region. Here is his opinion piece. [Access to archived articles requires a...

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