Eversheds Sutherland LNG Law Blog
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Op-ed Says Exclusive Supply Deals Mean Expensive LNG for California Consumers

An opinion piece in Friday’s Ventura County Star expresses concern over the failure of California state officials to question the potentially high cost of LNG. The author believes that permitting each LNG facility to accept supplies from only one source will prevent competition and increase prices. [Free registration...

Op-ed Says Canadian Input Regarding Maine LNG Development Is Important

An op-ed by a Canadian resident says Canada’s concerns regarding the potential harm to New Brunswick’s tourism industry are just as important as economic advancement in Washington County, Maine. His opinion piece appears in Saturday’s Bangor Daily News. [Access to archived articles requires a...

Elba Island Pipeline Project Receives FERC Initial Approval

FERC has issued a favorable preliminary determination for Southern Natural Gas’ proposed pipeline expansion. The $320 million pipeline project would accommodate volumes from the Elba Island expansion and could provide regasified LNG to Florida as early as 2007. See Wednesday’s Platts LNG Daily and today’s Natural Gas Intelligence  for details. [Subscriptions...

Editorial Calls for Reconciliation of Conflicting Information on LNG Safety

An editorial in today’s Los Angeles Times notes the differences in at least three published studies on the consequences of a ruptured LNG tanker triggered by terrorism or an accident, and calls for an explanation as to why these discrepancies exist so that Californians can better determine which of the four import terminal proposals is ideal. [Free registration...

Statutes Protect Outer Brewster Island

Massachusetts’ chief environmental authority Stephen Pritchard says there are regulations intended to keep Outer Brewster Island functioning as a park. Any other use, such as the potential siting of an LNG regasification terminal proposed by AES, would necessitate the consent of federal and state officials. Today’s edition of The Boston Globe has the...

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